
Who reads exactly, detects, that at this button the stud’s name “MoorKieker” is written with a big K in the middle. This letter stands for my name “Karen”. As the daughter of the founder and owner of the Moorkieker Stud, Hinrich Wulf, I’ve grown up with the breeding of our Welsh B Ponies and cooperated with my father since I was a little girl. I learned a lot of things from him about the handling of ponies and the breeding of Welsh Ponies while this time. Since this year (2008) I will not only participate at the breeding of Welsh B Ponies, but I will put my own ideas into practice. For this reason I possess the stallion “Moorkieker Goethe” and the broodmare “Moorkieker Cecilia” now. Next year it will be born the first Welsh B foal, which will own the prefix “MoorKieker”. Of course I’m anxious on it!

Premium stallion Moorkieker Goethe

Premium broodmare Moorkieker Cecilia


Karen Wulf

Rittergut Freschluneberg

27616 Lunestedt

Tel. 0049-4748-822511

or 0049-160-92685532